Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Enjoy your farmers market

Covid situation means no more demos in the grocery stores BUT we still have the Moreland Farmers Market to meet and share our food passion!!!

Each Wednesday until mid September I will be there for you with the French Caramel Sauces and the Crêpes !

Don't miss this time 2-6pm 1400 SE Glenwood St in Portland.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


So happy to tell you we can meet today at the Moreland Farmers Market from 2pm to 6pm ...
French Caramel Sauces in 6oz, box of 4oz and box of 2.5oz ...
AND something NEW : pack of 4 crêpes

I am looking forward to see you again! Bring your mask and support your local businesses 😍